Barbagia is a captivating and mysterious land, where Sardinian culture is at its most genuine. Explore the picturesque villages of Orgosolo, Oliena, and Mamoiada, where local traditions blend with wild and untouched nature. From the imposing Supramonte mountains to the rolling hills dotted with olive groves, this region is a paradise for trekking and hiking enthusiasts. CharmingItaly invites you to experience Barbagia with its luxury accommodations, where you can savor traditional Sardinian cuisine and local wines, all in a unique setting away from mass tourism.
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Luxury Hotels and Villas Barbagia
Barbagia is a captivating and mysterious land, where Sardinian culture is at its most genuine. Explore the picturesque villages of Orgosolo, Oliena, and Mamoiada, where local traditions blend with wild and untouched nature. From the imposing Supramonte mountains to the rolling hills dotted with olive groves, this region is a paradise for trekking and hiking enthusiasts. CharmingItaly invites you to experience Barbagia with its luxury accommodations, where you can savor traditional Sardinian cuisine and local wines, all in a unique setting away from mass tourism.
3 Properties found
Luxury Hotels and Villas Barbagia
3 Properties found