The Blog of

Stories, tales, legends and curiosities...

A blog to tell the most beautiful and evocative Italian locations, discover its traditions, events, and browse through flavors and peculiarities. Imagine the blog as a collector of stories, tips and information to deepen the knowledge of your favorite destinations and explore new ones, through the eyes of who has always lived there. Through our articles we will introduce you our passion for Italy and we will present you the best of the “Made in Italy”. A useful and enjoyable read that will guide you in choosing  your holiday destination.

After all, even a journey begins with words…


What Else Summer Edition!
The walks of Italy- Italy's 5 Most Beautiful Island Euro Travelogue- Artsmart Roundtable Federica Piersimoni-  Blogtour a Cascina Terme Do not miss our next articles: keep you updated! read full article >>
Italian Food Secret N°5: Emilia-Romagna
Amarcord: “memory of a barbeque” Credits: JoinItaly In many ways, the Emilia-Romagna Region is one of Italy's most prosperous areas. It has a strong economy, a fascinating local culture read full article >>
The best of the Charming Week!
This week, our weekly suggestions for "What Else" section are entirely dedicated to our guest posts, our articles published on other important blogs we like. Buona lettura!:) read full article >>
Pictures of Milan: a Portrait of the fashion capital city
Through some pictures of Milan... I'll give you some ideas on what to see during a trip to the cityIt is the most popular among the photos of Milan. As you would expect, Milan's read full article >>
CharmingItaly Master Chef: it could be you!
Facebook Contest Nr. 2- Your talent in cuisine Show & share your Italian side! I am a food lover and love cooking. When I watch cooking shows in TV or when I read about fabulous recipes read full article >>
Italian Food Secret N°4: Puglia
The Eden for food-lovers! If you love Italy, sea destinations and vibrant summer life, you may chose to spend your holiday in Puglia! The region is located in the south of the Peninsula and read full article >>
A journey into the past through the appian way
A look to the Appia AnticaIt is not the oldest but definitely it is considered the first road for its beauty as to be defined by the poet Statius regina viarium. It is the Appian Way, still read full article >>
Top glam summer events: Elton John, Luxury, Emerald Coast
How the stylish Emerald coast celebrates its 50th anniversary The renowned Starwood hotels chain is located in the fashionable Emerald Coast (Costa Smeralda) and this year it is going to read full article >>

Suggested Hotels

Lupaia (Tuscany)
Minareto (Sicily)
Del Golfo (Tuscany)
Italy Blog